
There’s many ways in which you could come into £1 million, from winning the lottery to a big online casino win. 

For the majority of us, coming into that much money is something that we can only dream of, but for the lucky few that do, there’s the difficult decision of how to spend it.

We recently surveyed 3,000 individuals to ask how they’d spend a million and the results were fascinating, highlighting the varying financial priorities among different generations and genders.

We also asked the all-important question as to whether the respondents would quit their job upon becoming a millionaire…


We then asked 500 individuals from the US to see how their preferences and priorities compare to those of Brits…


Finally, we wanted to understand how those living in mainland Europe compare to Brits and Americans by asking 500 individuals from the continent the same group of questions...


Raw survey response tables can be found here.