Roulette strategy 101: Palestis Single Dozen betting system
12 Apr
Pavel Velinov
Do you like placing bets on the columns or dozens in roulette? We explore whether the Palestis Single Dozen system improves the player's prospects.

Many roulette systems focus on the outside areas like Red/Black, which pay 1/1.

The Palestis Single Dozen system focuses instead on the three dozen areas and three columns on the table.

Each column and dozen on a roulette table includes 12 numbers, but not the 0. A correct hit on either section pays 2/1.

Systems like the Palestis Single Dozen or Flat Bet Single Dozen (FBSD) purport to help the player manage their bankroll as they place bets.

Let's see if these dozen systems work in practice.

How the Palestis Single Dozen roulette system works

A Single Dozen system focuses on placing a bet on one dozen or column at a time. A winning number will pay 2/1. However, there are 24 numbers that won't pay a winner.

On a standard European Roulette table, also when playing roulette online, the columns feature the following numbers and colours:

The dozens contain different numbers, as follows:

Designed by and named after the professional gambler, the Palestis Single Dozen is a progressive staking plan based on the history of previous spins.

To work out what bets to place, players must study the history of a wheel. You won't be betting all the time, and there are strict criteria to meet to help you make your decision. 

Playing the Palestis Single Dozen staking plan at the table

Let's use a standard European Roulette table, as you will find on the Betway Live Casino.

To place a bet, you must wait for a "trigger". This is determined by the outcome of the last three spins.

Your trigger is the dozen (or column) that has appeared just once in the last three spins. You place a bet of a single unit on that dozen or column.

For example, let's say the last three spins came up 1, 13, 14. The first 12 appeared once, so we concentrate our bet on that dozen.

Increasing bet sizes in the Palestis plan

Like a negative progression system like the Martingale, bets in the Palestis system increase following a losing spin.

After a winning spin, the stakes reset and we start again at the beginning of a sequence.

Other forms of the system are a little riskier. The bet goes up one unit after a loss but stays the same after a win.

One version even requires the player to increase bets after either a loss OR a win.

Flat Bet Single Dozen vs Palestis

The Palestis Single Dozen plan isn't the only system out there for fans of column bets.

Designed by Izak Matatya, the Flat Bet Single Dozen (FBSD) system works a little differently from the Palestis plan.

In the FBSD system, it detects dominant dozens on a standard European Roulette table. The system purports to switch between dozens when it sees patterns emerging. In addition, all bets are fixed (hence the 'flat bet') and there is no progression after a loss or win.

The FBSD also requires you to sit away from the table so you can assess any patterns. In fact, you will have to bet just 90 per cent of all spins to keep up with the system.

Try the Palestis Single Dozen system for free today

Like all betting systems, there are dangers involved in using the Palestis plan.

Patterns in roulette can be volatile and, because numbers are random, going by the history of a wheel has risks.

The benefit of the Palestis is in managing your bankroll.

You are covering a lot of numbers in one bet, and the stakes only increase gradually if you lose.

Give it a try for free and see if the Palestis is a plan worth sticking with.