Betway sign Kevin Pietersen as Global Cricket Ambassador
12 Aug
Betway Insider
The four-time Ashes winner will provide regular blogs on the Betway Insider throughout this summer's Ashes series and beyond.

Leading online bookmaker Betway has signed former England cricketer and 2005 Ashes hero Kevin Pietersen as its "Global Cricket Ambassador" for 2019.

Pietersen, who scored over 8000 Test runs, will be offering insight and tips during the Ashes as part of his new ambassador role.

Pietersen celebrated the new role, saying: "This has already been such an exciting year for cricket and I’m delighted to be working with Betway and sharing my love of the game with fellow fans."

Paul Adkins, Marketing and Operations Director at Betway added: "We are delighted to have partnered with a world class cricketer who captivated fans across the globe. We are looking forward to reading his insight and tips. It’s an incredibly exciting time for cricket following the World Cup and we’re looking forward to watching the Ashes unfold with Kevin’s analysis."

Pietersen’s thoughts on all things cricket will feature on the Betway Insider, the company’s online sports blog featuring expert betting tips, plus exclusive columns from existing racing ambassador, champion National Hunt jockey Richard Johnson.

Betway will also be supporting content highlighting the work of SORAI (Save our Rhinos Africa & India) which was Kevin’s brainchild, founded after he was introduced to wildlife preservation when he was taken on a rhino tagging operation. Pietersen has thrown himself into various fundraising projects, working with endangered animals in Africa and India.

Read Kevin's first blog for the Betway Insider here.

Visit Betway's cricket betting page.