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Edgbaston was a beautiful Test match

England's performance was very, very good in the first Test. Considering the pressure they put themselves under with the declaration at the end of day one, they actually played the kind of cricket that they’ve been speaking about. They talked the talk, and they walked the walk.

I also thought the way they conducted themselves – the way they interacted with the public and with the crowds – was magnificent.

Both sets of players turned up and delivered something that has truly gripped the nation. No matter where you go now, people are talking about the Ashes.

It was a beautiful, beautiful Test match.

Pressure is on Smith and Labuschagne

Steve Smith and Marnus Labuschagne didn't get any runs in the first Test because Stuart Broad was too good for them.

People are saying Smith and Labuschagne aren’t going to miss out at Lord’s. They might not, but I also know when you come in as a big player and you miss out in the first Test match, you're under tremendous pressure to perform in the second.

It's not like they're definitely guaranteed to score hundreds at Lord's. Absolutely not, especially with Broad bowling the way that he is. I thought he was exceptional in Birmingham. His line, his length, his channels – he was brilliant.

England shouldn't be worried about these guys scoring hundreds. Maybe they will, but they shouldn't be worried about that. The pressure is actually on Smith and Labuschagne.   

I’d bring Foakes back in

I don't think the England team is going to change, that's not what McCullum and Stokes do, but I would get Foakes in if they're going to play on flat wickets. I would get him in as quickly as possible.

Bairstow has to bat, of course, but I'd drop Duckett and have Bairstow at the top of the order, or just move everybody up one spot and play Foakes as the keeper. That's what I would do.

I don't think anything changes, though. They back their players, and I actually like the fact that they back the players that much and don't worry about what we in the media say.

Ahmed is the risky option

England are a better team with Moeen Ali, and were a better team in the first Test with him bowling properly, but you can't help an injury.

If Moeen isn’t fit, I probably would’ve picked Liam Dawson, but these guys are risk takers, so they're going to an 18-year-old. The safer bet would have been a left-arm spinner who bowls the same as Leach, but they have taken the risky route.

Clearly their only focus is to play an aggressive brand of cricket. As much as I love an aggressive brand of cricket, I don't like a crazy brand which gives Australia opportunities to win.

Having played Australia as many times as I did, I know that when they've got the foot on the throat, they push harder. They don't take it off and let you breathe.

Lord’s is a must-win for England

Lord's isn't a great place for England. It’s always a wonderful atmosphere, but it normally gets the away team buzzing. Everybody wants to be on the honours board, and they focus on what they need to do to get onto that board.

The pressure's on England. What England have done, unfortunately, is put unnecessary pressure on themselves by declaring too early in the first Test. That is craziness because of the pressure that they're now under going into the second match.

They just have to win this Test.