

Cross to win the match - 

Having spoiled the prospect of a dream final between the best player on the planet and the greatest the sport has ever seen in his last match before retirement, Cross has already proven that he’s got no time for romanticism.

This may be his first World Championship final compared to Taylor’s 21st, but the unflappable 27-year-old has shown nothing so far to suggest that he might freeze in the biggest game of his life.

Cross to score 10 or more 180s than Taylor - 

Cross banged in 15 maximums against Michael van Gerwen, three times as many as the five that Taylor managed against Jamie Lewis.

He’s now hit 55 in the tournament, which is the sort of power scoring that Taylor will struggle to match the longer the game on.

Both players to hit three or more 100+ checkouts - 

Taylor’s finishing was slightly below par in the semi-finals with just a single three-figure checkout of exactly 100, though a 95 with two double 19s was an impressive reminder of what he can do.

The Power did manage three ton-plus finishes in each of his two previous matches, though, and after Cross nailed a 126 and 161 against MVG, there’s value in backing both to rack up three each.

Over 49.5 legs in the match - 

Six of Taylor’s seven sets against Lewis went the distance, with the Welshman missing darts in three of them to extend the match.

Cross has gone to a deciding set three times already this tournament and, having come out on top after 54 legs against MVG, has the game to drag Taylor into another marathon.