After five years and 1238 maps, Xizt's time in NiP has come to an end. Replacing him is the king of pistols himself, Dennis!

To answer some of your many questions, we briefly spoke to Dennis about his recent transfer to NiP. 

Before deciding to join NiP, did many other teams approach you?

Dennis: Yes, there was quite a few teams that contacted me from both NA and EU. But NiP was the best choice for me.

You’re taking over Xizt’s spot on the starting roster. Who will be taking of the IGL role?

Dennis: Yes, it's gonna be a tough spot to fill but I will do my best! I will do the IGLing for NiP from now on.

What qualities did NiP lack that you possess that’ll help NiP become a consistent contender for titles?

Dennis: I would say I bring a bit more firepower to the team and new ideas, which could be what's needed for us to reach the top!

What are your aims for IEM Katowice?

Dennis: I always aim for the win. As long as we're still alive in the tournament I won't settle for less.

We'll soon be conducting an in-depth interview with dennis so if you would like him to answer one of your questions, send them to @betwayesports on Twitter!