FalleN Plays our brand new Counter-Strike quiz, De_Quiz

Test your CS:GO knowledge, while we test that of the pros, in our all-new series, De_Quiz.
How well do you know the CS:GO scene? In this ever-shifting landscape, shaped not only by the scoreboard, but also by the pro players and personalities that we’ve come to know and love, it’s impossible to retain all that we consume. But that doesn’t mean we don’t try.
Test your CS:GO knowledge, while we test that of the pros, in our all-new series, De_Quiz. In the first iteration, Rob4 presents the Brazilian titan Gabriel ‘FalleN’ Toledo (MIBR), with 16 questions. From skins to player quotes, how many will he get_right?
The answer is not that many. Can you beat FalleN’s score?
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