ppd Interview: Joining Ninjas in Pyjamas

Ninjas in Pyjamas have announced their new Dota2 roster and we had the chance to sit down with one of the new additions, ppd.
You’ve been able to represent some of the biggest organisations in esports in your career - How does it feel to join NiP?
'I've only just joined NiP but they believe in my team and in the game I love so I'm feeling pretty blessed.'
You and 33 have come through the other side of the Fall Shuffle together and you’ve brought in FATA, Ace and Saska – what’s the new team like?
'As most new teams are we are incredibly motivated and excited to show what we can do apart from our previous teams.'
What are the expectations coming into the new DPC season for you and the new team?
'Not a huge fan of setting expectations but our goal is to qualify to all of the majors.'
Why Shangra-La as a temp name?
'Anyone who attended DAC and the Super Major spent nearly a month at this hotel in Shanghai last year. No one could come up with anything better and we knew it was likely we would never play a game under the tag.'
The Kuala Lumpur Major closed qualifiers are coming up – you’ve been perhaps one of the biggest advocates for your region whilst playing and even went on to start up the NADCL – how are you feeling about moving over to EU?
'I realize that the competition is greater here as Europe is the strongest region for Dota but with OG not playing in the first major I feel as if our chances are good for a spot at the KL major or the minor. I have and will continue to be active with NA Dota and am excited about NADCL which starts near the end of this month!'
Your first game is going to be up against the new Khezzu stack Team Lithium – have you had much chance to look at the opposition? What do you think of that stack?
'We've just been practicing and refining our own game. I didn't even know who are first opponents were so thanks for the heads-up. It's a stack of highly skilled players so if they manage to find some teamwork I'm sure they will have great results.'
And finally, anything you want to say to all the NiP fans?
'Welcome back to Dota, hope you enjoy our games.'
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