How are you continuing to do your job despite working from home?

The whole thing has just been so different from what I’m used to. I’m trying my best, though.

Sticking to the same routine as normal has been important. I go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time so that every day feels as normal as possible.

What sort of work are you doing given we don’t know when the football will return?

We're still trying to keep fit, so I’ve been going on a run every day. But the uncertainty has probably been the hardest thing.

At the minute, we don't know when we're going to be back in. We can't go to a gym, we can't even leave the house, so the equipment that we have available to us is very limited.

Hopefully not, but when we come back from this we probably won’t be as fit as we would be when we come back from pre-season. You can't go down to the gym and do all the stuff you would normally do.

We’re professionals, so we obviously want to finish the season. We’ve still got nine games left and they’re going to be big. We'd like to finish it.

But obviously I don't know what's going to happen and I don't know how long this is going to go on for.

As a player, I've just got to try and keep as fit as I can so that when we do come back in I am ready.

How are you keeping in contact with players/staff/colleagues?

We’ve been having a conference call on Zoom as a squad every day.

We do a HIIT workout on there at the same time as we would train, so that keeps it constant. I either go for a run before that happens, first thing in the morning, or straightaway afterwards.

We have been having a little bit of banter on those calls, but otherwise we keep in touch with each other on Whatsapp.

As footballers, we’re used to sending a lot of time with each other so we’re having to suddenly adjust to the polar opposite. 

How are you using this time to hone your skills?

Obviously we're not moving as much as we would normally do, so the nutrition side of things has probably been the most important aspect of keeping fit. We’ve all got programmes to follow and I’ve had to really stay on top of that.

We’ve got other leg exercises and prehab bits to prevent injury for when we get back, so I spend my time keeping on top of those things.

What’s the thing you miss most about football?

You always look forward to going into work every day. Seeing everyone and having the banter every day is what I love.

It's so strange being away. Interacting with the lads on Zoom and Whatsapp isn’t really the same so obviously I'm really looking forward to going back.

But I obviously miss playing as well. There’s no better job in the world than playing football.

How are you passing the time without any football/sport to watch?

Taking the dog out is what I've really been looking forward to every day.

My dog's only little, but she's been getting long walks. She's been absolutely knackered!

The whole thing puts life into perspective. My mum works for the NHS so I'm checking in with her regularly and seeing how she's getting on.

Any TV shows/films/books you’d recommend?

I normally watch quite a bit of TV anyway, to be honest, so I've tried out a few new things lately.

I've watched a show on the BBC called This Country, which is absolutely hilarious. I've managed to get through all three series of that.

Obviously having played at Bristol City I sort of know what that part of the world is like. The accent's not too dissimilar to the Bristol one, either.

Me and my missus have been laughing our heads off watching it.

Have you discovered any new interests or hobbies since the football stopped?

I've been trying to learn a bit of Spanish.

I've always been a bit weird with it anyway. I watched Narcos: Mexico, and just after I'd watched it I'd be walking around the house speaking Spanish.

Obviously I didn't have a clue what I was really saying, but now I've actually got an app to help me learn the language and I've done quite a few hours on it. I'm getting better every day.

I'm going to try, by the time we go back in, to be pretty good at Spanish.

Have there been any positives that have come from the football stopping?

The initiatives that are being run by the club throughout this time are brilliant, particularly the free tickets that are being donated to NHS workers.

The NHS and the keyworkers are doing such a great job at the moment - it's a really difficult time for them.

For Brighton to reward them like that is amazing. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we get through this and we can welcome them to games.

Have you learned anything about yourself?

The whole thing does put life into perspective and make you really realise that you can't take anything for granted.

My mum works for the NHS so I'm checking in with her regularly and seeing how she's getting on.

Everyone's health comes before football and it’s a chance to really cherish your family and your friends. I try and keep in touch with them as much as I can.

What has the break made you realise you love most about football?

I obviously miss the general day-to-day routine of being around the boys, but matchdays are what you live for.

You spend the whole week building up to the weekend and the chance to play in front of the supporters.

I’m lucky enough to be able to play football for a job, and when that gets taken away from you it’s not a nice feeling.

But, like I said, everyone’s health comes first. That’s the most important thing right now.