How are you continuing to do your job despite working from home?

I’m trying to keep it as normal as possible. My wife and I had a discussion and agreed that I would treat training days as if I was at work.

But it’s more difficult because we haven’t got the space to replicate a lot of what we do in training.

I feel worse for my wife, though. When I’m away doing all this training, she’s looking after my 18-month old daughter all day.

What sort of work are you doing given we don’t know when the season will return?

Not knowing when we’re back has been tough, but we’re all in the same boat.

Everyone’s been sent a diet plan because we’re not training as rigorously as we normally would, so everyone’s had to cut back on calories.

I don’t think anyone’s going to be any further ahead than anyone else because no-one’s got all the proper facilities – I think training in self-isolation will be a leveller.

It'll probably be a lot like when everyone comes back from the off-season, people might be a little bit rusty football-wise. That sharpness disappearing will be a leveller.

How are you keeping in contact with players and staff?

We speak to the club pretty much on a daily basis.

The gaffer has taken the time to FaceTime all the lads over the last few days, just to make sure they were all right. That was more for the mental side of things, with everyone in their house.

It’s nice to know he cares about his players. I don’t know if every manager will be doing that.

Obviously with the lads, we can’t just pop over to their houses. We’ve been chatting mainly on Zoom, because you can see what everyone’s doing, and WhatsApp.

Everyone’s playing their part though and chucking in with the banter, so it’s been nice. I think anyone who’s in a WhatsApp group knows about the kind of jokes that go on in there.

How are you using this time to hone your skills?

I’ve been getting up in the morning and going for a run four or five times a week, then all the squad have been doing circuits together on Zoom.

All of the players have been sent individual training packs as well.

We’ve also had fitness equipment delivered by the club to keep us ticking over. Stuff like bikes and TRX equipment, so we’re very fortunate. 

What’s the thing you miss most about football?

It’s hard to go without the physical contact with the lads every day. You normally spend nearly as much time with them as you do with your family at home, so it feels like another big family.

Everyone’s missing the games, too. Going out on a Saturday and playing for something in front of a big crowd is massive. You don’t realise how much you miss it until it’s not there.

As a player, you want to finish the season. You haven’t done it properly otherwise.

We've worked hard to get where we are. We are 15th, so, although we're in a relegation battle, everyone’s confident that we’re going to be safe.

How are you passing the time without any football to watch?

There’s a load of DIY we’ve been wanting to do to the house since moving in, but I’ve been putting it off because of training. I haven’t got that excuse now.

My wife’s been painting all the rooms and I’ve been working in the garden. I tried to jet wash all the decking a few days ago, which took hours and hours. I did not realise how long a job it was.

We've been trying to get as much as we can done to keep some sort of routine and fill our days.

It’s been great to see the lads wanting to help other people out. Lots of people are struggling and, given the position that we’re in, footballers have a big part to play.

Any TV shows/films/books you’d recommend?

I’ve been reading a lot more and watching loads and loads of TV with my wife as well.

I try not to spend my spare time on my phone, flicking through stuff. I try and sit and read because I think it's a better use of my time.

I’ve read Billion Dollar Will, which is a bit like Wolf of Wall Street, and now I’m on the John Milton series that my wife got me for Christmas, which are a bit like Jack Reacher.

I’m on the third one out of three with them but that’s only since December, so I’d hardly say I’m getting through them quickly.

TV-wise, we’ve been watching Vikings, which is really good if you like Game of Thrones-type stuff.

I always go back to the US Office as well for comedy as well. I watch loads and loads of comedy series, but it’s always a good laugh watching that.

Have you discovered any new interests or hobbies?

As well as everything else, I’ve got a dog – a chocolate Labrador – and have been taking her for a walk every day.

I think all the lads with dogs will be buzzing at the moment.

Have there been any positives that have come from this?

As footballers we are very lucky, but I think if you ask any of us then they’d tell you it’s been nice to see more of their family.

I’ve got very young daughter and now I get to see her every day.

Among the players, it’s been great to see the lads wanting to help other people out. Lots of people are struggling and, given the position that we’re in, footballers have a big part to play.

Glenn Murray was on the chat organising everyone and asking if people wanted to do something. Everyone said yes straight away.

We're all going to send snippets of videos and put them together and all the lads are going to send something out on social media. Then we're going to work out how we're going to donate and who we're going to donate to.

I think what the club are doing is massive as well, helping NHS workers and vulnerable fans. It doesn’t surprise me, but it makes me proud.

We should all be looking after people less fortunate than ourselves.

Have you learned anything about yourself?

That I need a routine. For the last 10 or 11 years, I've known what time to be somewhere and what I'm doing. 

I think this gives you a bit of a window into what life's going to be like after football.

Trying to make sure that you've got a routine in your life helps you keep going because I struggle when I've got to wing it. I wake up and I'm not really sure what I'm doing.

What has the break made you realise you love most about football?

I think it’s crazy how massive football actually is, but quite rightly it has taken a backseat as health and people’s safety is the number one priority at this time.

Putting the season on hold was the right thing to do, but it has made it really clear just how many people love football. The fact we're still talking about it makes you realise how important it is to people’s every-day lives.