How are you continuing to do your job despite working from home? 

I’ve obviously been training at home trying to keep my fitness up as much as possible and just generally keeping busy. I’ve got a lot of free time, so I’ve been watching Netflix and playing video games. I’m with my family though which is great and we’re all together so we can make this time easier for us. 

What sort of work are you doing given we don’t know when football will return? 

I’ve been doing lots of cardio and have been doing different type of workouts to keep myself in shape, but the feeling is that we all miss football and waking up every morning and going to training is special. Hopefully this is over for us all soon. 

How are you keeping in contact with players and staff? 

We speak a lot and are always asking each other how our families are doing and if we’re keeping safe. We try to be as close as possible and hoping we’re all OK. 

How are you using this time to hone your skills? 

We can’t do a lot when we’re at home, so it’s just about trying to adapt to the situation and trying to train as much as possible. Sometimes I train with my nephew and do some stuff with him to teach him some skills. 

What’s the thing you miss most about football? 

The routine of waking up each day to go to train and to be with my team-mates. We all have breakfast together, go to get ready and then train.

The feeling of stepping onto the pitch every weekend is a big miss, too, because when we play at home with the crowd and our fans it’s a special moment. I miss it a lot and I hope soon we can get back to normal life and enjoy football again. 

How are you passing the time without any football/sport to watch? 

I’ve been on Netflix a lot! I’ve been watching every film and every series I can find, and I’ve also been playing PS4, too. I’ve got a little routine going every day which consists of training, playing some video games, spending time with family and then watching something on Netflix.

The most important thing for everyone right now is to stay safe and stay at home. 

I’ve got a little routine going every day which consists of training, playing some video games, spending time with family and then watching something on Netflix.

Any TV shows/films/books you’d recommend?

There’s a new season of Money Heist out, it’s really good and I’d totally recommend it. The fourth season is out so I’m going to finish it in the next couple of days. It’s definitely one people should watch.

Have you discovered any new interests or hobbies since the football stopped?

I play different games, like Ludo, with my nephew and family, but I haven’t really discovered anything new apart from that.

Have there been any positives that have come from the football stopping?

We all miss football but we have to be as positive as we can right now. We have this opportunity to spend time with our family, which is important, so it’s time to appreciate the little things. It’s time to stay together, stay at home and we’ll all be smiling again soon.

Have you learned anything about yourself?

I haven’t really thought about that, to be honest. You have a lot of time to think when you stay in, and sometimes you remember moments of your life and your football career, but I haven’t discovered anything special about me.

What has the break made you realise you love most about football?

The preparation for every weekend and how much everything means and matters. You realise how important every game is and you’ve got the chance of walking onto a pitch and playing the game we love the most. It’s special and you realise that even more now when you can’t do it.