Since the Premier League season was put on hold, the Partnerships team at Norwich City have been working hard to ensure their valued club partners remain engaged and up-to-date with the club’s situation.

Last week, alongside other club partners, Betway exclusively found out how captain Grant Hanley is getting on with life outside of football.

How are you continuing to do your job despite working from home?

It's strange. It's something that we’ve never really done before. We’ve had time away from the club, but that's only been in the summer break or in international breaks.

I’m just trying to do what I can in terms of keeping fit and remaining professional, but I think as well it's important to appreciate the time that you get to spend with your family.

What sort of work are you doing given we don’t know when the football will return?

With everything that's going on, and us not being able to do our job every week, it was important for the senior members of the squad to try and do our bit by phoning our supporters and keeping their spirits up.

It was something that I've not done before, but it was really humbling and quite rewarding to hear their reactions and make a difference. They really appreciated it.

We know how important this club is in the city, and how important it is in the community, so it's the players' responsibility to do what they can to help and support in whichever way we can.

How are you keeping in contact with players and staff?

I think we're lucky to be living in these times.

There are apps like Zoom to keep in touch with people, and we're all on the WhatsApp groups.

There's a lot going on, so it's important we keep in touch with each other and speak about everything.

How are you using this time to hone your skills?

It’s important to try and stay healthy and do bits of training.

A lot of people get sucked into doing big runs, but it's important not to forget the short and sharp stuff. That's what games are mainly made up of, rather than running 5k or 10k.

It has been frustrating without sport – I haven’t even been able to get out on the golf course!

Obviously you need the base level of fitness, but short and sharp stuff is what you need in the game.

What’s the thing you miss most about football?

The atmosphere and pressure.

Playing at home is massive for us because you know that the fans are right behind you. It's probably a bit of cliché, but when we've got a home game and we've got our tails up, it makes a massive difference.

How are you passing the time without any football/sport to watch?

It has been frustrating without sport – I haven’t even been able to get out on the golf course!

I met Danny Willett recently. I was sort of in awe. The guy's won arguably the biggest golf tournament there is (The Masters), so I think if I'd had a bit more time it would’ve been nice to get some tips.

Any TV shows/films/books you’d recommend?

We just watched Tiger King, because it’s getting a lot of press at the minute.

It’s strange, very strange.

It’s worth a watch so that you can say you've watched it, but I'm not saying I'd recommend it.

Have you discovered any new interests or hobbies since the football stopped?

My missus is six months pregnant at the moment, so I think she's probably appreciating having me here to help around the house.

A lot of time is spent on domestic chores.

Have there been any positives that have come from the football stopping?

I don’t miss Timm Klose’s jokes! He comes up with his own jokes, which are the worst that I have ever heard in my life. He’ll tell you it and laugh when it's not remotely funny.

He's over 30, but he's like a kid. He's non-stop. But he's always happy, so I can’t complain too much.

Have you learned anything about yourself?

I'm probably the best-grass cutter in the world right now. I'm not bad at power-washing, either.

What has the break made you realise you love most about football?

Everything that comes with a matchday.