
Sandown runners


Spirit Mixer is a horse I really like. He’s going to need racing and he’s going to improve with each outing, too.

He was very green first time out at Ascot, but he still ran well. This race looks very strong – I did think it would divide – but if he improves from that first start, he could run into a place.

Conquering Eagle runs in the same race. He’s going to need the experience and is one for the future.

He’s just about ready to run, so we’re keen to give him a race and see what he’s got.


Stone Of Destiny is a smart horse on his day and this looks like a good opportunity for him.

He was slightly disappointing in the Stewards’ Cup last time when he hit the front too soon. A stiff 5f could be his ideal trip.


Likewise, Good Birthday is a smart horse on his day.

He was third in the Cambridgeshire behind Lord North last year and was a good third at Newmarket on his first run back this season.

I’d like to think the track and trip will suit and he could go well.


Look Around was placed in this race last year but, I must say, this year’s renewal of the Betway Atalanta Stakes looks really hot.

There’s plenty of depth to the race, so I’d be delighted if she finished in the places.


King Vega is another horse I really rate – he’s lovely.

He’s entitled to come on for his maiden run, when he was second at Sandown.

I’m looking forward to seeing him in the Betway Solario Stakes – a race in which we finished second with Kameko last year.

Tactical off to France

Tactical also goes to France to run in the Prix Morny at Deauville (13:35).

He’s got some of the best two-year-old form we’ve seen this season and he’s in great form at home, so he has an obvious chance.

He’s got to give some smart fillies weight and Rhythm Master looked very useful at Haydock, so it won’t be an easy race.

We’ve booked Pierre-Charles Boudot for the ride, who knows every blade of grass at Deauville, so it’s all fingers crossed now.

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